Improved Pile Design: Load Matching Evaluation (Part 2)

In this post, we'll illustrate the quantitative determination of which allowable load(s) is/are best-suited for a pipe piles project.


OEMs: Learn the advantages of manufacturing with Atlas Tube’s steel hollow structural sections (HSS) and mechanical tubing. They’re used in a range of applications.

Designing with HSS: Moment Connections

As we mentioned in our last installment of the Designing with HSS video series, HSS connections have some seriously unique challenges.

Mill Locations

Find out where Atlas Tube manufactures each of its steel hollow structural sections (HSS), mechanical tubing products and pipe piling products.

HSS Project Spotlight: Seattle’s North Transfer Station

What images come into your head when you think of garbage processing facilities and landfills? Perhaps a large dump that, quite honestly, stinks. Maybe something dirty, grungy, and nasty all in all, nothing too pleasant. But what about beautiful and innovative – would that cross your mind? It certainly should if you visit the rebuilt Seattle North Transfer Station which features ASTM A1085 HSS prominently throughout the structure.