Designing Truss Connections [VIDEO]

If you’re not too familiar with designing truss connections, we have created a video – as part of our ongoing Designing with HSS Video Series – for your reference.

Lunch and Learn

HSS Showdown: ASTM A1085 vs ASTM A500

Although it’s been around for a couple years, there’s still a great deal of unfamiliarity surrounding ASTM A1085 HSS. Here is a comparison of A1085 and A500.

A Guide to A1085 (Frequently Asked Questions)

As I travel the country talking to colleagues, I get a lot of questions about A1085. Since some of the same questions come up time and time again, I thought it would be helpful if I wrote them down as part of a “Frequently Asked Questions” guide to A1085. I hope you find this FAQ helpful when designing with A1085 on your next project.