Atlas Observer

10 Inspiring Buildings Designed With Steel HSS

by Jelani Rucker on September 13, 2013

“Form follows function - that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union.” – Frank Lloyd Wright I may never know what an architect thinks of steel, but I would imagine that while I find beauty in an objects function, an architect finds beauty in an objects form. So, if beauty is in...

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Engaging the Industry with Digital Solutions

by Bradlee Fletcher on July 18, 2013

Engineers, fabricators and contractors are no strangers to filling in the gaps. Professionals in our industry use their knowledge and ingenuity on a daily basis to develop solutions for technical problems. However, sometimes filling the figurative gaps is where we lack. Topics missing establi...

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Designing with HSS: ASTM A1085 Specification

by Bradlee Fletcher on July 11, 2013

In this installment of Designing with HSS, I will introduce ASTM A 1085, the new hollow structural section (HSS) specification, and why it was developed. ASTM A 1085 was developed to address performance issues related to HSS used in seismic and bridge applications and to make HSS more economical and efficient, raising the bar for construc...

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