Connections. simplified.

Learn more about the Houston pedestrian bridge and all that Shuriken® can do for your next project by downloading our case study and Shuriken design booklet.

Houston Bridge Case Study

Discover how Jumbo HSS and Shuriken connections enabled engineers to design, build and install a 600-foot pedestrian bridge more efficiently than a traditional build. You’ll also read how the fabrication team used Jumbo HSS and Shuriken to support the overall success of the project.

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Design With Shuriken

Simplify complicated connections and welds. With Shuriken’s built-in wrench, you can quickly and easily field bolt what you once couldn’t — helping accelerate timelines and reducing labor costs. See what Shuriken can bring to your next project with our Conceptual Details booklet that shows 25+ sample configurations for Shuriken bolted connections.

Download booklet

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